To put it into a
simple definition, GIS or geographical information system is a way for
historians to try and tackle issues with space. Peter K. Bol writes that GIS
presents “a platform for organizing data with temporal and spatial attributes—population,
tax quotas, military garrisons, religious networks, regional economic systems,
family history, and so on—representing them graphically and analyzing their
relationships.” GIS also gives historians a better look at/understanding of
maps while allowing them to go beyond simply mapping. To be even more specific,
HISTORICAL GIS refers to the ways in which researchers take advantage of
geospatial technologies for research and teaching by combining geohistoire (an
idea of historian Fernand Braudel which maps human activity where possible), historical
geography and spatial as well as digital history.
Anne Knowles refers to GIS as both a “superb tool” as well as something which
is “problematic” for history. GIS is superb because “it allows one to visualize
the geographic patterns embedded in historical evidence, examine evidence at
different scales, aggregate date from smaller to larger units, and integrate
material from textual, tabular, cartographic, and visual sources provided that
they share common geographic location” and problematic simply because it relies
on mathematics. Mathematics is an issue for most historians who tend to focus
on images rather than quantitative data.
take a look at some of the case studies included in the reading. The first I am
going to bring up is “The Salem Witch Trials Archive” which use primary sources
such as court documents and proceedings which took place in the colony. The
archive becomes a great resource for a variety of historians studying early
America. In addition to just being an online archive the project has taken on
an aspect of GIS by linking biographical information about those involved in
the Salem witch trials (those specifically mentioned in the documents) to the
locations of their homes. Of course, it is obvious that it shows the researcher
where each individual lived; but for what purpose? The creator of the Salem
Witch Trials archive, Benjamin C. Ray uses GIS in his project to illustrate
that “witchcraft accusations did not reflect clear geographical and social
divides between Salem’s merchant class and less wealthy farm families, as the
prevailing view has long contended.” As you can see, this is an example of how
GIS can answer questions that have long been invisible to researchers.
spent a lot of time also looking at chapter 10: “What Could Lee See at
Gettysburg” because I am passionate about Civil War history and I wanted to see
how GIS is making an impact in that realm. The historical question being asked
is, of course, in the title. However the bigger question would be: “why is it
so important to know what exactly Lee saw at Gettysburg?” Historians want to
know why General Lee gave the “go ahead” to what would eventually be known to
historians as “Pickett’s Charge” in which Confederates were simply massacred.
To me, the obvious response would be to look at what Lee had to say about the
event, or a soldier from either side who was present. Perhaps that way we could
get a good idea of what transpired to cause this disaster for General Lee. Of
course, we can try and see what Lee saw by visiting the battlefield itself. The
National Park Service has been working hard to maintain the battlefield for
historians and tourists alike. So why GIS? Why do we need it when it is
possible we could find out from an eye witness or even go to the preserved
battlefield ourselves? There are several other questions asked within the
chapter itself. “Can the evidence of sight be used to test the credibility of
generals’ post hoc justifications, such as Longstreet’s explanation of his long
counter march on July 2? Did the Union’s possession of Cemetery Ridge give
Major General George G Meade and his intelligence officers’ superior knowledge
of the battlefield and enemy movements in addition to providing them more
defensible positions?” Knowles makes the
argument that both Lee and (union) General Meade would have been excellent
resources due to their expertise in topographical mapping which they both gained
at West Point.
is able to assist us in this endeavor by doing what the generals in 1863 could
not. “GIS uses a digital model of the terrain to determine points and areas
that are, or are not, theoretically visible from a known viewpoint.” Curtis
Musselman, cartographer and GIS coordinator at Gettysburg National Military
Park has created renderings of historic roads and lanes, fence lines, property
boundaries, and buildings as they stood in 1863. “He also provided a digital
elevation model (DEM) developed for Adams County by a private firm in 1996 and
a set of contour lines at five foot intervals that had been interpolated from
the DEM. The elevation data meets the US Geological Survey’s national map
accuracy standards for 1:4,800 scale mapping.” The digital terrain that has
been created using GIS is a simplified version of the reality. What makes it
stand out to researchers is that it provides us with information that even the
great generals did not have: the big picture.
researchers ended up discovering was that General Lee had an excellent view
from the Lutheran Seminary on July 2, 1863. There is a monument to Lee at the
park where it is believed he was supposed to have watched the final assault. “Standing
with his field staff on the edge of a copse of woods near the center of the
Confederate’s line of attack, he would have had a fairly clear view across the
undulating fields to his objective…the GIS viewsheds help one imagine what
might have gone through the minds of soldiers and commanders that fateful day.”
component of GIS is offering students to make new discoveries about history
using technology. For students who are
living in a world where they look up everything on the Internet, the realm of
digital history and GIS is a perfect fit. Students can apply their skills with technology
to mapping, organizing files, building databases and most importantly,
complementing their writing with a visual representation. In addition to this,
using GIS will allow students to find spatial data and have their own visual
representation of history without having to imagine what it would look like or
what effects geography made on the resulting history. GIS also helps students
frame research questions and engage in analytical thinking. For example,
students might be compelled to ask themselves: “What is spatial about this
research?” “Why does space matter?”
How did rivers affect the eventual manufacturing?” etc.
How did rivers affect the eventual manufacturing?” etc.
many other components of digital history, it appears we still have a lot to
learn about geospatial mapping; however, it is exciting to see how technology
is playing a role in helping us understand the past and even take a look at images
that were once long gone.
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